2022-23 President's Scholars
Justin Quach
Gregoire Family President’s Scholar
Major: Business Administration, Accounting
College of Business Administration
University Programs: Bronco Lead Program
At the heart of Justin Quach’s academic success is his resiliency and determination. Shortly after he graduated from high school, Justin’s mom was hit by a car and suffered long-term injuries. Justin realized the fragility of life after his mom lost her job and their house. “I look up to my mom as someone who was kind, loving and hardworking. Her accident taught me to value life differently, appreciate the unique moments and cherish the people in our lives every day.” Motivated to provide for their family and become a role model for others who have dealt with hardship, Justin is focused on an accounting degree with a career goal to become a certified public accountant for a large accounting firm. Justin plans to give back to the Bronco community by encouraging student recruitment and to then become a college professor. Justin credits the Bronco LEAD Program for learning valuable leadership skills which can be successfully practiced in group projects: “I learned that if team members feel heard, and if you show you are grateful for your team’s input, the team’s trust and motivation increases as well.”