2022-23 President's Scholars

Raisa Majid
Annette F. and Morton J. Blumner President’s Scholar
Major: Political Science
College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences
University Programs: Panetta Institute’s 2022 Congressional Internship Program; Resident Advisor for University Housing Services; Secretary of External Affairs for Associated Students, Inc.; Head Delegate for Model United Nations Team
Joining the Model UN team and taking a freshman trip to learn about the Iowa Caucus helped Raisa Majid realize that she had chosen the right university for her interests in advocacy and collaborative leadership experiences. As ASI Officer of Legislative Affairs and Sectretary of External Affairs, Raisa has brought the student experience to local representatives in the hopes of informing state policy decisions based on their critical needs. Post graduation, Raisa plans to attend law school to become a human rights attorney to continue addressing others’ well-being, knowing that challenges can be turned into opportunities with her passionate persistance. “When faced with the dilemma of what I want to do after graduation, I, like many others, feel uneasy because of the awareness of the injustices that I’d like to see reduced. From housing insecurity to educational imbalances to financial disparities, and so much more. My career objectives would be to reduce the challenges that I witnessed growing up and that I observe today. I aim to be part of the discussions made in advocacy work that improves people’s lives,”she says.