Office of the President

2024-25 President's Scholars

Ilke (LK) Suzer

Ilke (LK) Suzer

James H. Jones President’s Scholar

Major: Urban and Regional Planning; Finance, Real Estate and Law

Colleges of Environmental Design and Business Administration

Activities: ASI Student Body President; ENV Senator and Senator Pro-temp; board member of ENV Student Council, American Planning Student Association, and California State Student Association; Kellogg Honors College; APA-Orange County Young and Emerging Planners Division

Arriving in California with her parents in 2011, LK had an early understanding of the unparalleled opportunities that exist in the U.S. educational system. “The first time I saw a playground or even a lawn in a public school was my first day of school in America, where as back home this is a privilege afforded to only the most wealthy families at private schools. Here, no matter which school you attend, you are afforded the liberty of having an international reputation and being sought by employers to bring in your American expertise to other nations.” Knowing that her parents have made sacrifices drives LK’s zest for engagement in student leadership and volunteerism. She advocated for cultural centers in her role leading ASI student government because “these are places where students find belonging.” A self-professed fascination with humans and the systems created for their needs has led to her double major in urban planning and finance, real estate, and law. She hopes to pursue law and work for a multinational organization like the European Union.