Office of the President

2022-23 President's Scholars

Irina Grigorian

Irina Grigorian

Al Levie Family President’s Scholars

Majors: Accounting and Hospitality Management

Collins College of Hospitality Management

University Programs: Member of Beta Alpha Psi and Beta Gamma Sigma academic honor societies; Past President and Director of Finance of Hospitality Management Council (years 2019 - 2021); subject tutor, Learning Resource Center; Supplemental Instruction Leader 

Arriving in the U.S. four years ago, Irina Grigorian’s fascination with finance and operations has led to a double major in accounting and hospitality management. For Irina, Cal Poly Pomona’s experiential learning has provided service-oriented experiences in both majors, including working at the student-run restaurant at Kellogg Ranch and part-time at local clubs, participating in a student competition to analyze historic trends of the San Diego hotel market, assisting in pro-bono tax preparation, and designing a bike store model business. She combines her enjoyment of the logic and precision in working with numbers with her passion for hospitality that has taught her to be “open-minded, confident, detail-oriented and willing to find solutions to any problems.” She hopes to build on her experiences, which includes participating in a Top 20 public accounting firm audit summer internship to pursue her certified public accountant certification after graduation.