Office of the President

2022-23 President's Scholars

Angela Bishop

Angela Bishop

Albert Zoraster President’s Scholar

Major: Nutrition, Dietetics option

Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture

University Programs: Food and Nutrition Forum 

Angela Bishop chose to major in nutrition because of her belief that food can be a powerful medicine. “I love that nutrition is a way which we can relate to each other, care for our bodies, and live more vibrant lives. I am particularly passionate about eating in a way that supports abundance, diversity, and food freedom,” she says. After earning three associate degrees, Angela transferred to Cal Poly Pomona because it presented a clear pathway to become a registered dietician. “My college journey has been complicated, attending five different colleges to get where I am. I’ve learned its never too late to change direction and to give yourself grace and enjoy the journey when it doesn’t go perfectly.” Her recent experience working at an eating disorder treatment center strengthened her mentoring skills and her desire to promote healthy bodies and minds in her future practice, knowing that eating disorders are invisible struggles for many. Motivated to inspire her five younger siblings, Angela’s career goal is to promote plant-based nutrition for new parents to encourage healthy eating foundations.