2023-24 President's Scholars
Aryan Patel
Chang Family President’s Scholar
Major: Manufacturing Engineering
College of Engineering
Activities: President (current) and Events Director (former), International Society of Automation Club; member, Associated Manufacturing Societies Club; Marketing Director, Real Estate Club; volunteer, BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Temple
One Word to Describe CPP: “Innovation. At CPP, I have learned how to think critically and take a variety of approaches to reach a solution to a problem.”
For Aryan, inspiration to study engineering comes from his appreciation for understanding the process of creation. As a youngster, he attended Home Depot Saturday workshops to construct projects from wood and learned about construction methodolgies. “This challenged the generic right-and-wrong framework that shapes our everday lives. This was my initation into innovation: the understanding that there could be more than one way to build a product.” Aryan credits internships, including his first at L3 Harris Technologies and this past summer at Proctor and Gamble in building his manufacturing engineering foundation and his interpersonal skills. Motivated by the motto “in the joy of others lies our own” from gurus Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj, Aryan aspires to develop an environmentally friendly vehicle and “create a positive ripple effect to others to take action in creating a greener and more sustainable future.”