PolySec Lab

IoT & Cyber Physical Systems Security Lab


Our goal is to create an affordable educational model for cyber physical system security within industrial control systems.

There is an educational gap between the curriculum of engineering students who are learning fundamentals of control systems and those in the field of cyber security.

Recent attacks to different nations critical infrastructures have brought to light that have a security conscious control system and network design is of great importance.

The issue in education is not only that this is a newly emerging field, but that labs for testing these systems can get extremely expensive and it is a challenge to gather of all the tools and software packages needed to experiment in an industrial control environment.

We plan to combine our own code with open source software packages, affordable computing tools such as ISA kit, Arduino and Raspberry Pi to create labs that can be recreated inexpensively, while not having a detrimental effect on the learning experience.

Dr. Mohammad Husain

Project Director
Professor at Cal Poly Pomona

Sean Corlin

Project Lead
Masters Student at Cal Poly Pomona

Ryan Gunawan

Student at Cal Poly Pomona

Samantha Wu

Student at Cal Poly Pomona

Project Details


Raspberry Pi

We are currently using raspberry pi in conjunction with the arduino based ISA Kit to create a small scale sensor/actuator environment. The ISA Kit we are currently working with is the basic kit, which has the following sensors and actuators included: LEDs, servo motor, soil moisture, ultrasonic rangefinder, gas & alcohol meter, motion detection, IR receiver, light detection, a potentiometer, and a bluetooth dongle. The raspberry pi is running the standard raspbian operating system, but we plan to put out an image that has all the necessary software included with it to do the projects we create. The only other piece of hardware you will need is a laptop running Kali Linux.

ISA Kit: http://www.isakit.com/
Raspberry PI: https://www.raspberrypi.org/


Open Source

We are working on gathering different open source control software solutions together as well as working on our own software packages to create an environment that could be maintained by a community to the changing landscape of cyber security in cyber physical systems. We aim to make this environment an emulated control system where a user could interchange different control protocols easily and not need to have physical hardware to try and build their own control system. Once we have accomplished this, our next goal is to build a set of security assignments to turn the control platform into a security sandbox, allowing users to emulate attacks and defenses to learn how to better build their control system in the future.


This project would not be possible without the help of:

Northrop Grumman