Event Services

Event Services
Cal Poly Pomona University Police Department (UPD) proudly offers professional and friendly services to the campus community. UPD is here to support the safety and well-being of all event staff and guests, regardless of event size. Every event is unique, and UPD encourages all event organizers to reach out early in the planning process. Please be aware that certain events may REQUIRE police presence due to size or type of event. You will find our services, pricing, and date deadlines listed below. Click on the BLUE button to fill out our Event Services Form. All requests must be made 30 days in advance of the start date of your event.
All non-Cal Poly Pomona affiliated entities must have an on-campus sponsor for all events. Please contact your on-campus sponsor to make arrangements with University Police Department. UPD only accepts billing from on-campus partners. Large Events may require extended planning beyond the posted deadlines. Please contact us as early as possible in your event planning process.
If you have any parking or transportation needs for your event, please contact Parking and Transportation Services
Parking and Transportation Services
Event Services
A Security Detail is a service that offers a manned patrol or watch of equipment or a facility. In general, UPD offers this service to event coordinators that need to have equipment set up before an event.
We offer either Sworn Police Personnel or Public Safety Specialists, non-sworn department security personnel, to assign to a Security Detail. Pricing varies for type of staff and UPD can consult with you to determine the best solution.
Depending on the type of event and university policy, UPD may suggest or REQUIRE an event to have Police Officers or Non-sworn Personnel to oversee public welfare during the event. This may include crowd control, enforcing campus policies, and first response notification for medical emergencies. Every event is unique, but a basic guideline is if an event has over 200 people in a confined space (such as the Kellogg Arena) UPD will consult with event organizers for appropriate public safety accommodations.
Due to campus policy, any event that has alcohol over 50 persons, must have at least one Police Officer assigned to the duration of the event.
Extra Patrol is Similar to an Asset Security Detail but there is not an assigned person to the location. Instead, police officers assigned to patrol duty will make sure to periodically check on the location throughout their shift. This service is free but personnel are not specifically assigned to watch an asset.
If you would like to schedule an Extra Patrol, please contact police@cpp.edu or Dispatch at (909) 869-3070.
Personnel Description
Sworn Police personnel are fully CA POST-certified State Police Officers employed by Cal Poly Pomona and have full police powers.
Due to staff sizing, UPD may contract with allied agencies to help during large-scale events. All contracted law enforcement are sworn police officers or sheriff deputies that have full police powers to assist UPD officers.
UPD makes a great effort to always offer our services to the campus community. However, sometimes, due to time constraints or staffing issues for large events, event organizers may hire private security companies. event organizers are responsible acquisition and contract of private security companies.
All private security companies must be licensed by the state of California and abide by CSU and university policies. UPD requires that security personnel check in with UPD Dispatch at the time of their arrival to inform the On-Duty Watch Commander of their presence on campus.