Office of Undergraduate Research

Interactive Online Program

Thank you for joining the 6th Annual Creative Activities and Research Symposium online program. The Symposium will be virtual and hosted through Zoom Meeting on Thursday, August 6th from 9 am to 2 pm. There will be an opening reception from 9 to 9:30 am, followed by student presentations beginning at 9:30 am. Over 50 students will give live oral and poster presentations in sessions organized by discipline. Sessions begin at different times, please make sure to check the Symposium Schedule so that you can participate in the different sessions throughout the day. To receive the Zoom Meeting link, we ask you to RSVP through Eventbrite.

You can view the overall Symposium Schedule, Keynote & Affiliates, as well as the Session Schedules and Presenter Directory below. If you have any questions about the Symposium, please contact us at

Welcome to the 6th Annual Creative Activities and Research Symposium!

The Cal Poly Pomona Office of Undergraduate Research is proud to highlight the extracurricular projects students are engaged in. These projects deepen and broaden student knowledge and prepare them to be lifelong learners. Sharing the results of their hard work with the broader community is the culmination of their research experience.

Even during the current pandemic, students and faculty mentors continue to conduct research that contribute to disciplinary knowledge and engage students in Signature Polytechnic Experiences (PolyX).

It is our privilege and pleasure to host and present the Creative Activities and Research Symposium to the Cal Poly Pomona community, and we hope you can be a part of our summer research celebration.