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Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation

Report an Incident

Members of the Cal Poly Pomona community have a right to work, live, and learn in an environment free from unlawful discrimination, harassment and retaliation (DHR) based on a protected status.  Cal Poly Pomona is committed to maintaining an environment where all students, employees, visitors, or recipients of services and/or benefits provided by the University have the right to participate fully in university programs and activities free from DHR.

Cal Poly Pomona takes allegations of DHR very seriously.  Complaints alleging DHR will be addressed in a timely and appropriate manner. To file a complaint or if you have any questions/concerns, please complete the DHR Incident form below:

Report a DHR Incident 

Or you can contact our office at (909) 869-4646;
Your report will be accepted in any language.

Confidentiality: Information regarding the complaint shall be shared with other University employees and law enforcement exclusively on a "need to know" basis.  University employees shall endeavor to honor any Complainant's request for confidentiality; however, the University shall also weigh requests for confidentiality against its duty to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all members of the campus community. Confidentiality cannot be ensured.

Complaints by Students

Complaints by CSU Employees and Third Parties