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Library eBook Resources

The Cal Poly Pomona Library provides access to several ebook collections. Licenses from these publishers allow you to place links to the ebooks in your online courses. In general, our licenses do not allow you to place the content (e.g. a book chapter) in an online course or course pack.


Simultaneous User Limitations: Some ebooks have single user licenses.

ACLS Humanities E-Book

The Humanities E-Book collection includes nearly 4000 ebooks. Subject focus is the humanities disciplines and area studies.


This collection includes over 8,000 ebooks covering a range of academic topics. Watch a how-to video.

Business Expert Press E-books

Ebooks about accounting, advertising, ethics, economics, finance, human resources, international trade, law, management, marketing, retailing, and sales. Courtesy of iG Publishing e-Book Library.

IEEE Xplore

Ebooks co-published by IEEE and Wiley are available on IEEE Xplore. Book chapters will appear in Xplore search results.

Gale eBooks

This collection includes encyclopedias and other reference works supporting a wide range of academic disciplines. Formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL).


Searches back runs of scholarly journals; art & architecture, language & literature, history, economics, social sciences, mathematics, ecology and music. JSTOR now includes some current issues for selected titles. Ebooks from scholarly publishers are also available.


A collection of engineering handbooks and references sources in the following subject areas: civil engineering & construction materials, electrical & power engineering, mechanics & mechanical engineering. Features include full text searching and interactive tables and graphs. For best results create your own personal account click My Knovel at the top of the screen. Registered users: contact Knovel Support to change your email address.

Momentum Press eBooks

A collection of about 100 ebooks in a range of engineering disciplines civil and environmental, mechanical, industrial, electrical, chemical engineering and materials science.

O’Reilly Online Learning

This ebook and video collection covers a wide range of IT topics: software development, system administration, security, business, web and mobile, and career development. Formerly Safari Books Online.

Sabin Americana 1500-1926

An online collection of books, pamphlets, serials and other works about the Americas, from the time of their discovery to the early 1900s. Covering a span of 400 years in North, Central and South America, as well as the Caribbean, this fully searchable digital archive is an essential tool for the study of the western hemisphere. It provides primary source material critical to the understanding of the society, politics, religious beliefs, literature, customs and momentous events of the times.

SAGE eReference Encyclopedias

A collection of over 50 encyclopedias about business, counseling, criminology, education, geography, health, media, politics, psychology, and sociology.


Full-text online access to Springer's journals, e-books, reference works, and protocols. Subjects include biomedical sciences, business and management, chemistry, computer science, earth sciences and geography, economics, education and language, energy, engineering, environmental sciences, food sciences and nutrition, law, life sciences, materials science, mathematics, medicine, physics, psychology, public health, social sciences, and statistics.

Synthesis Digital Library of Engineering and Computer Science

Published by Morgan & Claypool, this collection consists of 50-100 page books or "lectures," each synthesizing an important research or development topic and authored by a prominent contributor to the field.