About The Library

About Golden Leaves Author Award

The University Library invites all members of the Cal Poly Pomona community to join us in celebrating the 2025 Golden Leaves Author Awards. A virtual and in-person event will be held at 11 A.M. on Friday, April 11th. Please RSVP on Tixtree for more information.

Golden Leaves Logo

Since 1986, the Golden Leaves program has celebrated those members of the Cal Poly Pomona campus community (faculty, staff, students, alumni, and retirees) who have authored or edited a book* in the preceding year. The Golden Leaves program is funded by the University Library, with the generous support of the Wilson Family Memorial Golden Leaves Endowment.

Each year, books published by Cal Poly Pomona authors are on display in the Library on the 4th floor near the Library Administration Office. The University Library celebrates the Golden Leaves program annually in conjunction with National Library Week.

*Authors must be affiliated with the campus community (includes faculty, staff, students, alumni, and retirees) who have authored or edited a published book within the preceding two years. A book must be (following UNESCO’s book definition) at least 49 pages in length exclusive of cover pages. We accept books in an all-electronic format. Honorable Mention authors should meet all the same requirements for full Golden Leaves honors but have written or co-authored a chapter or essay within a larger published book (i.e., they are not listed as the book’s author or editor, but are listed as contributors to the whole work).

To apply for the program, authors should complete the Nomination Form and email it to library@cpp.edu.

Contact library@cpp.edu with any questions. 

Nomination Form

Current Honorees

Past Honorees

Golden Leaves Author Awards Playlist on YouTube