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"One day, people will be able to buy tickets to visit space."

Poly Presents is an on-campus class/company at Cal Poly Pomona that involves a collaborative effort from students in both the College of Business Administration and Engineering. Students take on a new technology through product development and full commercialization. This school year, 2011-2012, students collaborated with an outside company to help develop an online website as an additional means for collecting revenue. The name of this project is Poly Tickets.
Poly Tickets is an online ticketing merchant and a subsidiary of Payment Portal Corporation. Transactions are processed safely with great ease and fluidity. Poly Tickets offers merchants (event promoters & planners) the service of creating their own unique event page and using Payment Portal’s payment process to handle ticket transactions securely. Poly Tickets aims to service every type of small, local event that averages around 500 attendees. This includes, but is not limited to: live music, performing arts, fairs, ethnic festivals, award shows, public speeches, dance recitals, and symphonies. Non-profit organizations, school organizations, professional associations, clubs, groups, and fraternities can use Poly Tickets to create their event and sell their tickets. Poly Tickets is not strictly servicing events, however. The site can also be used to collect donations. Poly Tickets does not demand any monthly or one-time fees for merchants and the consumer is charged a very inexpensive service fee that is pro-rated based on the expected number of attendees. The higher the number of expected attendees, the lower the service fee for the consumer.
Poly Tickets first aims to service organizations, professional associations, departments, clubs, groups, and fraternities campus-wide building a solid client base within Cal Poly Pomona. However, Poly Tickets will not just be exclusive to the school. Other collectives from other campuses from the CSU & UC systems, and Community Colleges can use Poly Tickets as well. Even private collectives outside of school can use Poly Tickets’ services to meet their ticketing/donation needs.
Team Polytickets

Chemical Engineering

Management and Human Resource

CEO, Payment Portal Corporation