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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultrices est ac leo eleifend feugiat.
Suspendisse dapibus, felis vitae tempor mattis, nisi sem accumsan turpis, eu cursus metus quam non ante. In scelerisque pulvinar molestie. Morbi malesuada sem eget tellus mollis quis blandit magna ultricies.
Nam molestie turpis et metus porta sodales. Curabitur nec tincidunt enim. In pellentesque consectetur iaculis. Praesent odio ligula, vehicula eu eleifend at, cursus viverra risus. Nam suscipit cursus ante non laoreet.

"You do not study mathematics because it helps you build a bridge. You study mathematics because it is the poetry of the universe. Its beauty transcends mere things."

An app that enables the user to take a picture of a mathematical equation and provides a step by step guide to solving the equation. Many math books do not provide solutions to all the problems; solutions are often provided for alternate problems. PASS supports math learners by providing them a step by step guide to solving any mathematical equation.