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"Saving our planet, lifting people out of poverty, advancing economic growth... these are one and the same fight."

Recent droughts have brought attention to a global water crisis that has been brewing for decades. Lono Drop addresses one of water-wasting’s main culprits—excessively long showers. The solution is a showerhead attachment that uses LED lighting to measure how many minutes you've been showering and provides signaling when to turn off the water to help conserve water.
The Lono Drop device is activated by waving your hand underneath the device at the beginning of a shower. Initially the device glows green and changes colors to indicate the elapsed time; when the device flashes red, you have exceeded your allotted time and need to turn off the water and exit the shower. Even young children can understand and operate the device. They estimate the device could allow an individual to save 5,000 gallons of water annually.
Nine students from the colleges of engineering, business administration and hospitality management developed the product.

Team Lonodrop