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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ultrices est ac leo eleifend feugiat.
Suspendisse dapibus, felis vitae tempor mattis, nisi sem accumsan turpis, eu cursus metus quam non ante. In scelerisque pulvinar molestie. Morbi malesuada sem eget tellus mollis quis blandit magna ultricies.
Nam molestie turpis et metus porta sodales. Curabitur nec tincidunt enim. In pellentesque consectetur iaculis. Praesent odio ligula, vehicula eu eleifend at, cursus viverra risus. Nam suscipit cursus ante non laoreet.

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."

Leafyt is indoor and patio gardening made simple. Never kill another plant with Leafyt’s unique self-watering system. By letting your plant’s roots seek out water for themselves, the risk for drowning your planter box favorites is removed completely! Simply refill the glass bottle every 5 to 9 days, and watch your plants flourish! Enjoy the aesthetics of your indoor plants and the benefits of homegrown veggies, herbs, or flowers without all of the hassle and maintenance. Enjoy the simple pleasure of your windowsill plants.
Choose them, pot them, and leave it to Leafyt to handle the rest!
Team Leafyt