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"A student of life considers the world a classroom."

We created Desk-E as part of our Senior Project. During this project, we were challenged to design a unique innovation that will help improve the campus community in some way. As college students, one of our biggest struggles is having enough desk space in-class. The desks are too small and can rarely fit more than a book or notepad. We decided to use this opportunity to solve a problem that pertains to students worldwide.
Desk-E is the first portable, rotatable, desk-extension on the market. You can use it to make your desk bigger, or as a stand-alone desk. Schools face a huge constraint on classroom space along with a need to fit many desks into a class. Couple this with all the different things students need to have on their desk to be productive in class, and you’ll understand why we invented the Desk-E.
Team Desk-E