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Bronco Paint

Bronco Paint
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream."

Bronco Paint is a package of five, six-ounce bottles of paint. Each package contains colors: black, blue, red, yellow and white. A pearlescent gold glaze is also being offered separately.
Bronco Paint is washable tempera paint made on campus by Cal Poly Pomona students. Tempera is a type of paint that uses water-soluble binding agents to secure color pigments.
Bronco Paint was manufactured in the labs located at California State Polytechnic University of Pomona. This product was designed to be a tempera paint that is made antibacterial by the use of magnesium oxide (MgO). 50 gallons of regular, untreated paint were donated by the Chemistry Department. The mixing of the MgO with the paint was executed by Bud Jenkins along with the students of the senior project class in the mixers located on campus in the paint lab.
The function of the paint is to prevent further spreading of bacteria and retard the grow-fluidth of bacteria. We have researched the effects of MgO based on the U.S. Patent No.:7,335,808 B2 and concluded that biological agents such as toxins and bacteria may be destroyed by contact with metal oxides such as MgO. Based on our research, we have determined that Bronco Paint is an eco-friendly and safe product for everyone to use and enjoy.
Team Bronco Paint