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Bronco Globes

Bronco Globes
"Its not a global village, but we're in a highly interconnected globe."

The Bronco Globe was designed and created in the labs at Cal Poly Pomona. One word to describe this product is- unique. Inside each Bronco Globe is a fluid which is a viscoplastic material. This material behaves as a fluid when forces are applied and as a solid when no forces are present. The snow globes are manufactured by the students.
The Chemical And Materials Engineering department is currently working on several research projects involving this material for uses in biology and paints & coatings. In purchasing the Bronco Globe, you hold a piece of current Cal Poly Pomona research. The Cal Poly Snow Globes were developed and commercialized by the first project cohort in 2009. Within 3 weeks of its introduction to the market, Cal Poly Snow Globes sold out.