Wen Cheng
Professor and Associate Chair, Civil Engineering Department, College of Engineering
Education and Professional Registration
- B.S. in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, 2000
- M.S. in Roadway & Traffic Engineering, Tongji University, 2002
- M.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, 2005
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Arizona State University, 2006
Professional Licenses
- T.E., California Professional Traffic Engineer, License No. 2536
- P.E., Professional Engineer, California No. C72602
- PTOE, Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, Certificate No. 2432
- Transportation Systems Design & Operation
- Design of Transportation Facilities
- Traffic Safety Analysis
- Advanced Computer Programming in Civil Engineering
- Multimodal Traffic Analysis
- Transportation Engineering
- Traffic Signal Design
- Highway Engineering
- Application of Machine Learning to Civil Engineering
- Infrastructure Economics
- Special Studies
- Senior Projects
- AutoCAD
- Application of Computer Vision to Transportation and Civil Engineeing
Selected Journal Publications (since 2017)
(* indicate the corresponding author, ^ indicate student authors)
- Y. Li, G. Gill^, W. Cheng*, M. Singh^, Y. Zhang, J. Kwong (2023). “Sensitivity Analysis of Bayesian Nonparametric Spatial Crash Frequency Models for Bicyclists”. Journal of Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (Accepted for publication).
- Gill, G^., W. Cheng*, M. Singh^, Y. Li (2022). “Comparative Evaluation of Alternative Bayesian Semiparametric Spatial Crash Frequency Models”. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (Accepted for publication).
- Truong, L.^, E. Clay^, O. Mora, W. Cheng*, M. Singh^, X.Jia (2022). “Rotated Mask RCNN Detection for Parking Space Management System”, Journal of Transportation Research Record 2677 (1), 1564-1581 (DOI: 10.1177/03611981221105066 )
- Singh, M.^, Y. Zhang, W. Cheng*, Y. Li, and E. Clay^ (2022). Exploration of Transit Station-Oriented Active Transportation Safety Using Bivariate Spatial Models with Different Covariate Inputs, Journal of safety research 83, 152-162.
- Singh, M.^, W. Cheng*, R. Gopalakrishnan^, Y. Li, M. Cao^ (2021). Exploration of the Contributing Factors to the Walking and Biking Travel Frequency using Multi-Level Joint Models with Endogeneity. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/61.1494.U.20211027.2059.002.html.
- Zhang, Y., G. Gill^, W. Cheng*, P. Reina, M. Singh^. (2021) “Exploring Influential Factors and Endogeneity of Traffic Flow of Different Lanes on Urban Freeways using Bayesian Multivariate Spatial Models”, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/61.1494.U.20211003.0950.002.html )
- Cheng, W.*, M. Singh^, E. Clay^, J. Kwong, M. Cao,^ Y. Li, A. Truong (2021). “Exploring Temporal Interactions of Crash Counts in California Using Distinct Log-linear Contingency Table Models”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (DOI: 10.1080/17457300.2021.1928231 Link: https://doi.org/10.1080/17457300.2021.1928231 ).
- Truong, L.^, O. Mora, W. Cheng*, H. Tang^ and M. Singh^ (2021). “Deep Learning to Detect Road Distress from Unmanned Aerial System Imagery”, Journal of Transportation Research Record (Link: https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981211004973 )
- M. Singh^, W. Cheng*, D. Samuelson, E. Clay^, H. Tang^, Li, Y. (2021). “Exploring Influence of Crash Type on Injury Severity in Crashes at Intersection”, Journal of Advances in Transportation Studies Vol. 54, p61-74, DOI: 10.53136/97912599405445.
- M. Singh^, W. Cheng*, D. Samuelson, E. Clay^, M. Cao^ (2021). “Development of Pedestrian-and Vehicle-Related Safety Performance Functions Using Bayesian Bivariate Hierarchical Models with Mode-Specific Covariates”, Journal of Safety Research 78, 180-188.
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, F. Wen and J. Zhou (2020). “Bayesian Bivariate Semiparametric Spatial Models for Ozone and PM2.5 Emissions”, Journal of Environmental Modelling and Assessment 26 (2), 237-249, (DOI: 10.1007/s10666-020-09732-8. Link: https://rdcu.be/b7i5L)
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, Y. Zhang, T. Vo, F. Wen, Y. Li (2019). “Exploring the Modeling and Site-Ranking Performance of Bayesian Spatiotemporal Crash Frequency Models with Mixture Components”. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, 135, 135037.
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, J. Zhou, J. Ensch, J. Kwong and X. Jia, (2019) “Alternative Multivariate Multimodal Crash Frequency Models”, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 1-25.
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, M. Dasu, and X. Jia (2018). “An Empirical Evaluation of Multivariate Spatial Crash Prediction Models”, Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, 119, 290-306.
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, T. Sakrani^, D. Ralls,^ X. Jia (2018). “Modeling the endogeneity of lane-mean speeds and lane-speed deviations using a Bayesian structural equations approach with spatial correlation”. Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 116, 220-231, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tra.2018.06.014)
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, T. Vo.^, J. Zhou, and T. Sakrani^ (2018). “Use of Multivariate Dirichlet Process Mixture Spatial Model to Estimate Active Transportation-related Crash Counts”, Journal of Transportation Research Record, 0361198118782797.
- Gill, G.^, W. Cheng*, J. Zhou, T. Vo^, and X. Jia (2018). “Comprehensive Assessment of Temporal Treatments in Crash Prediction Models”, Journal of Transportation Research Record, 0361198118782763.
- Xie, M., W. Cheng*, G. Gill^, J. Zhou, X. Jia, S. Choi (2018). “Predicting Likelihood of Hit-and-run Crashes Using Real-time Loop Detector Data and Hierarchical Bayesian Binary Logit Model with Random Effects”, Journal of Traffic Injury and Prevention. Vol. 19, Iss.2, (10.1080/15389588.2017.1371302)
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, J. Ensch, J. Kwong, and X. Jia (2018). “Multimodal Crash Frequency Modeling: Multivariate Space-Time Models with Alternate Spatiotemporal Interactions”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 113, pp. 159-170.
- Cheng, W.*, Gill, G.^, Y. Zhang, Z. Cao (2018). “Bayesian Space-Time Crash Frequency Models with Mixture Components for Spatiotemporal Interaction”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 112, pp. 84-93. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2017.12.020)
- Lee, A.^, W. Lin, G. Gill^, and W. Cheng* (2018). “An Enhanced Empirical Bayesian Method for Identifying Road Hot Spots and Predicting Number of Crashes”. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security (Accepted for publication, https://doi.org/10.1080/19439962.2018.1450314)
- Cheng, W*., G. Gill^, S. Choi, X. Jia, J. Zhou, M. Xie (2018). “Comparative Evaluation of Temporal Correlation Treatment in Crash Frequency Modeling”, Journal of Transportmetrica A Transport Science, Volume 14, Issue 7, 615-633.
- Cheng, W.*, Gill, G.^ S., Dasu, R., Xie, M., Jia, X., & Zhou, J. (2017). Comparison of Multivariate Poisson lognormal spatial and temporal crash models to identify hot spots of intersections based on crash types. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 99, pp. 330-341.
- Cheng, W.*, X. Jiang, W. Lin, X. Wu, X. Jia, J. Zhou.(2017) “Ranking Cities for Safety Investigation by Potential for Safety Improvement”. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, (DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2017.1279250).
- Gill, G.^, W. Cheng*, M. Xie, T. Vo^, X. Jia, J. Zhou. (2017) “Evaluating the Influence of Neighboring Structures on Spatial Crash Frequency Modeling and Site Ranking Performance”, Journal of Transportation Research Record 2659, pp. 117-126. (DOI: 10.3141/2659-13).
- Cheng, W*., G. Gill^, L. Loera^, X. Wang, J. Wang. (2017) “Evaluation of the Impact of Traffic Volume on Site Ranking”. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, (DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2017.1321074).
- Gill, G^. W. Cheng*, J. Zhou, & V. Shin (2017), “Comparative Analysis of Cost-weighted Site Ranking Using Alternate Distance-based Neighboring Structures for Spatial Crash Frequency Modeling”, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security . (DOI: 10.1080/19439962.2017.1354239)
- Cheng, W.*, G. Gill^, T. Sakrani^, M. Dasu, J. Zhou (2017). “Predicting Motorcycle Crash Injury Severity using Weather Data and Alternative Bayesian Multivariate Crash Frequency Models”. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, 108, pp. 172-180.
- Gill, G^. and W. Cheng* (2017). “Assessment of Alternative Bayesian Hierarchical Models for Estimating Gas Emissions”, Journal of Global Environment, Health and Safety, iMedPub Journals (Vol. 1, No. 2:8)
Funded Projects (Total Amount: $6,330,000.00)
- PI: California Statewide Traffic Safety Ranking via Empirical Bayes Method, USDOT/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (2013~present, $2,501,634.00). Goal: Enhance accuracy of safety performance rankings of counties and incorporated cities in CA.
- PI (CPP Portion): National University Tranportation Center: Center for Understanding Future Travel Behavior and Demand, USDOT, (2023-2028, $2,500,000.00). Goal: Improving Mobility for People and Goods in the US.
- PI: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition, FHWA (12/2022-8/2023, $50,000.00) Goal: Attract the nation's brightest minds to the field of transportation through the local administration of DDETFP program.
- Co-PI: Understanding Mobility-Related Challenges for AAPI Older Adults, CSUTC SB1 Program (1/2023-12/2023, $75,000.00). Goal: Improve the level of mobility for AAPI older adults.
- PI: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition, FHWA (12/2021-8/2022, $50,000.00) Goal: Attract the nation's brightest minds to the field of transportation through the local administration of DDETFP program.
- Co-PI: Enhancing the Mobility of Senior Adults, CSUTC SB1 Program (10/2021-8/2022, $75,000.00). Goal: Improve the level of mobility for older adults for the preparation of the aging Californians.
- PI: Administration of the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program (DDETFP) Local Competition, FHWA (11/2020-8/2021, $50,000.00) Goal: Attract the nation's brightest minds to the field of transportation through the local administration of DDETFP program.
- PI: Promotion of Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Campus Living Lab and Transportation Laboratory of Civil Engineering, CPP SPICE (7/2020-6/2021, $12,600.00). Goal: Enhance access to multi-user StreetLight Data which can be fed into deep learning and artificial intelligence for campus safety improvement.
- PI: Comprehensive Evaluation of Crowdsourcing Non-motorist Count Data, CSUTC SB1 Program (5/2020-4/2021, $75,000.00). Goal: Improve data collection accuracy for Non-motorist volume.
- PI: Development of Active Transportation Safety Performance Functions in California, Caltrans (4/2018~11/2020, $175,000.00). Goal: Enhance active transportation safety in California.
- Co-PI: Enhancement of Multimodal Traffic Safety in High Quality Transit Areas, CSUTC SB1 Program (5/2019-4/2020, $75,000.00). Goal: Improve multimodal transportation usage while enhancing safety of such modes.
- Co-PI: Promotion of Active Transportation in High Quality Transit Areas, CPP SIRG Program (6/2019-5/2020, $16,200.00). Goal: Improve active transportation mode usage while enhancing safety of such mode.
- Co-PI: 2018 National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) and National Flight Academy (NFA) initiative (6/2018~7/2018, $69277). Goal: Enhance the interests among current high school students in pursuing transportation careers in the future.
- Co-PI: CPP RSCA from Chancellor's Office funds A Pilot Study: Cal Poly Pomona Campus Transportation Plan (1/2018~11/2018, $5000). Goal: Investigate and evaluate various traffic circulation plan on campus.
- PI: sub-award to UC Davis- Santa Ana Mountains to eastern Peninsular Range Conservation Connectivity Infrastructure Planning Project for Interstate 15 and Closely Associated Roadways (3/2018~6/2019, $40,000.00). Goal: Identify best engineering alternatives for wild life connectivity across Interstate 15 in California.
- PI: STEM Online/Hybrid Course Design Proposal, PPOHA/MENTORES project grant, (6/2017~9/2017, $4,500.00). Goal: Develop online/hybrid course for traffic and highway safety.
- Co-PI: Advanced Research on the Built Environment and Collisions, Southern California Association of Governments (6/2017-10/2017, $50,000.00). Goal: Identify the collision hotspots by different transportation modes and the correlation of surrounding built environment with the different types of the hot spots in southern California
- PI: Investigation of Multimodal Crashes using Full Bayesian Multivariate Spatial-Temporal Models, UCCONNECT and Caltrans (6/2016~present, $75,000.00). Goal: Enhance students’ passion in doing transportation research.
- PI: UCCONNECT Summer Research Programs, UCCONNECT (6/2016~9/2016,$105,000.00). Goal: Enhance students’ passion in doing transportation research.
- PI: UCCONNECT Technology Transfer, Educational and Student Research Support Programs, UCCONNECT (2014~present, $150,000.00). Goal: Assist students in pursuing transportation profession and/or advanced degrees.
- Co-PI: Exploring the Relationship between Traffic Congestion and Traffic Safety, UCCONNECT (2014~2016, $20,000.00). Goal: Quantify the relationship between traffic crash severities and traffic flow characteristics.
- PI: Identification of systematic method to enhance pedestrian safety, City of Glendale, CA (2011-2012, $25,000.00). Goal: Enhance pedestrian traffic safety in Glendale, CA.
- PI: Enhancement of Student Learning, Roadway Safety, Traffic and Facility Planning Efficiency through Campus-Wide Multi-Modal Dynamic Traffic Simulation, CPP Kellogg Legacy Project Endowment (2014~present, $70,000.00). Goal: Enhance student learning and campus safety through the development of campus-wide traffic simulation.
- PI: Campus Circulation Safety Evaluation and Enhancement, The CSU Campus as A Living Lab Grant Program (2013-2014, $17,000.00). Goal: Enhance and evaluate campus circulation safety.
- PI: Incorporation of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction, Safety and Congestion Relief Considerations into Transportation Planning, First CPP SIRG Program (2012-2013, $13,000.00). Goal: Synchronize safety, congestion relief and gas emission reduction.