
Academic Vitae and Publications
~ 1956 - 1990 ~

(For personal data and activities after retirement, click HERE.)


Ph.D. (Plant Physiology), 1963. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
M.A. (Botany), 1958. University of Montana, Missoula
B.A. (Botany), 1956. University of Montana, Missoula


Retired, Named Professor Emeritus, 1990; served as Grand Marshall at June, 1990, Commencement
Professor, Biological Sciences Dept., Calif. St. Polytechnic Univ., Pomona, 1973-1990
Associate Professor, Calif. St. Polytechnic Univ., Pomona, 1968-1973
Assistant Professor, Calif. St. Polytechnic Univ., Pomona, 1963-1968
Sabbatical Leave, Calif. St. Polytechnic Univ., Pomona, 1983
Sabbatical Leave, Botany Dept., Univ. Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., 1975
Creative Leave for Research, Spring, 1968
Visiting Assistant Prof. of Botany, Univ. Montana, Summer, 1965
Research Associate, Cornell University, 1963
Instructor, Cornell University, 1963
Teaching and Research Assistant, Cornell, 1961-1962
N.S.F. Cooperative Graduate Fellow, Cornell, 1960-1961
Teaching Assistant, Univ. of Montana, and Cornell, 1956-1960

Courses Taught

Plant Physiology, General Botany (Structures and Functions), Advanced Plant Physiology, Plant Growth and Development, Plant Tissue Culture, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Taxonomy, etc.

Societies (*still active)

American Society of Plant Physiologists
Botanical Society of America
*American Association for the Advancement of Science
Plant Growth Regulator Society of America
International Association for Plant Tissue Culture
International Society for Plant Molecular Biology
Tissue Culture Association, California Branch
American Institute for Biological Sciences
*Sigma Xi (Secretary, 1971-1972; President-elect and President, 77/78, 78/79, of Cal Poly Club)
Southern California Academy of Sciences

Major Publications

1. Blakely, L. M. 1958. Studies on the in vitro culture of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Arceuthobium douglasii. Proc. Mont. Acad. Sci. 18:21-25.

2. Blakely, L. M., and M. Chessin. 1959. Disappearance of guard cell chloroplasts in ultraviolet-irradiated leaves. Science 130:500-501.

3. Blakely, L. M., and F. C. Steward. 1961. Growth induction in cultures of Haplopappus gracilis. I. The behavior of the cultured cells. Amer. J. Bot. 48:351-358.

4. Steward, F. C., L. M. Blakely, A. E. Kent, and M. O. Mapes. 1963. Growth and organization in free cell cultures. In Meristems and Differentiation. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology: no. 16. (This paper reprinted in Papers on Plant Growth and Development, edited by Laetsch and Cleland. Little, Brown, Boston. 1967.)

5. Blakely, L. M., and F. C. Steward. 1964. Growth and organized development of cultured cells. V. The growth of colonies from free cells on nutrient agar. Amer. J. Bot. 51:780-791.

6. Blakely, L. M. 1964. Growth and organized development of cultured cells. VI. The behavior of individual cells on nutrient agar. Amer. J. Bot. 51:792-807.

7. Blakely, L. M., and F. C. Steward. 1964. Growth and organized development of cultured cells. VII. Cellular variation. Amer. J. Bot. 51:809-820.

8. Wu, J. H., L. M. Blakely, and J. E. Dimitman. 1969. Inactivation of a host resistance mechanism as an explanation for heat activation of TMV-infected bean leaves. Virology 37:658-666.

9. Blakely, L. M., S. J. Rodaway, L. B. Hollen, and S. G. Croker. 1972. Control and kinetics of branch root formation in cultured root segments of Haplopappus ravenii. Plant Physiology 50:35-42.

10. Blakely, L. M., and T. A. Evans. 1979. Cell dynamics studies on the pericycle of radish seedling roots. Plant Science Letters 14:79-83.

11. Blakely, L. M., M. Durham, T. A. Evans, and Ruth M. Blakely. 1982. Experimental studies on lateral root formation in radish seedling roots. I. General methods, developmental stages, and spontaneous formation of laterals. Bot. Gaz. 143:341-352.

12. Blakely, L. M., Ruth M. Blakely, and Cynthia M. Galloway. 1986. Effects of dimethyl sulfoxide and pH on indoleacetic acid-induced lateral root formation in the radish seedling root. Plant Physiol 80:790-791.

13. Blakely, L. M., R. Blakely, P. Colowit, and D. Elliott. 1988. Experimental studies on lateral root formation in radish seedling roots. II. Analysis of the dose response to auxin. Plant Physiol 87:414-419.

Minor Publications

1. Blakely, L. M., and F. C. Steward. 1962. The growth of free cells. I. The formation of colonies from cells on nutrient agar., II. Observations on individual cells and their subsequent patterns of growth., III. The observation and isolation of variant strains. Amer. J. Bot. 49:653.

2. Blakely, L. M., H. K. Jennings, and B. B. Turner. 1968. General behavior of cell and organ cultures of Haplopappus ravenii. Amer. J. Bot. 55:711.

3. Blakely, L. M., S. J. Rodaway, and L. B. Hollen. 1969. Branch root initiation in cultured root segments. XI International Botanical Congress, Abstracts, p. 16.

4. Blakely, L. M. 1974. Weaver's Plant Growth Substances in Agriculture. (Book Review). Plant Sciences Bulletin. Dec. 1974, 55-56.

5. Riddle, Mike, and L. M. Blakely. 1975. Effects of various auxin precursors on branch root formation in cultured root segments of radish. Plant Physiol. 56(S):39.

6. Durham, Mark, and L. M. Blakely. 1975. Anatomy and cytology of auxin-induced branch root formation in cultured root segments of radish. Plant Physiol. 56(S):39.

7. Yun, Inja, and L. M. Blakely. 1975. Branch root formation in cultured root segments of radish. Plant Physiology 56(S):39.

8. Hollen, Lauren B., and L. M. Blakely. 1975. Effects of freezing on cell suspension cultures of Haplopapppus ravenii. Plant Physiol. 56(S):39.

9. Galloway, C. M., and L. M. Blakely. 1980. The effects of ethylene on lateral root initiation in radish. Plant Physiol. 65(S):35.

10. Blakely, L. M., and Cynthia Galloway. 1982. Protoplasts of meristematic cells from radish lateral root primordia. ICMB, Cal Poly, Proceedings.

11. Blakely, L. M., Cynthia Galloway, and Ruth Blakely. 1984. The pH of the medium affects lateral root formation in response to exogenous auxin. Plant Physiol. 75(S):131.

12. Blakely, L. M. 1985. Barlow and Carr's Positional Controls in Plant Development. (Book Review.) Quar. Rev. Biol. 60:499.

13. Blakely, L. M. 1986. Lateral root formation: the complex response to IAA. Plant Physiol. 80(S):118.

14. Blakely, L. M. 1987. Late-formers in IAA-induced lateral root initiation. Plant Physiol. 84(S):145.

15. Blakely, Larry. 1988. First steps using personal computers in a plant physiology course. Comp. in Life Sci. Ed. 5(1):1-4.

Personal data:

Born Nov. 12, 1934 in Los Angeles, CA. Educated through high school in the Los Angeles basin (high school: Rosemead H.S.). Married Ruth Carol Morris, 1/1/1960, in Wilmington, DE. Two daughters, Karen (b. 1962) and Susan (b. 1963).

Since retiring:

Eastern Sierra chapter of the National Audubon Society

Newsletter: Started helping on the Mar/Apr 1991 issue, and eventually became sole Editor around the Jan/Feb 1993 issue. In the 1996 Audubon chapter newsletter contest, the newsletter won first place among "Very Small Audubon Chapters". In addition to editing, I have written several essays on natural history (mostly historical) and conservation issues for the newsletter. Retired as editor in 2003.

Website: put up a site on which information about the chapter is given, along with newsletter text. Retired as webmaster ca. 2004.

Vice-President, Sept. '92 then President Sept. '93 through Aug. '95.

Botanical activities

Photography of Calif. native plants, digital images sent to the CalPhotos databases, part of the digital library project at U.C. Berkeley

Volunteered to do all the computer archiving of the 3000 plant specimen cards of Eastern Sierra botanist Mary DeDecker, a project of the Bristlecone chapter of the California Native Plant Society.

Some articles for the newsletter of the Bristlecone chapter, including the historical series "Who's in a Name".


AAAS; Sigma Xi; California Botanical Society; California Native Plant Society; Friends of the Eastern California Museum; Death Valley Natural History Association; Searles Valley Historical Society; Mono Lake Committee; Friends of the Bishop Library; Bishop Museum and Historical Society; Humboldt County Historical Society; Ferndale Museum; Natural Resources Defense Council; Solar Cookers International.

Revised 2016 08 17