Planned Course Offerings & Technical Electives
Planned Course Offerings
This table shows the planned undergraduate course offerings of the Civil Engineering Department. This plan is subject to change.
Technical Electives
Students must complete a certain number of approved technical elective units, as indicated by CE XXXX under "required option courses" on your curriculum sheet and flow chart. The list of approved technical elective courses is shown in this table.
Students may request permission to take other 3000 or 4000-level engineering or related courses as technical electives by submitting an academic petition.
Students with senior standing and GPA > 2.8 in upper division math, science, and engineering courses may request permission to take graduate engineering courses (CE 5XXX) for undergraduate technical elective credit. However, students must submit a written request to do so (the form is available from the Dean's Office in 9-225). This form must be submitted no later than the end of the third week of classes.