Career & Professional Readiness Initiative
Career & Professional Readiness Initiative Explained
Prepare Our Students for the Future of Work, Human & Civic Engagement
Students have sequenced academic and co-curricular experiences supported by coordinated planning among the colleges, academic programs, the Career Center and Alumni Relations.
- Implement a plan for student success that spans pre-admission to one year post-graduation.
- Develop a career readiness model that provides students with early and on-going opportunities to engage with alumni, the company, and industry leaders.
- Advance student learning and civic engagement through initiatives and address community concerns and reginal needs.

Student Learning Outcome:
Students will use information resources appropriately for professional and/or personal success.

Student Learning Outcome:
Students will engage in campus opportunities for personal development

Student Learning Outcome:
Students will identify various academic and/ or career paths
Our Career Readiness Model provides students with early and on-going opportunities to engage with alumni, the community and industry leaders. Learn more about how we prepare students for the future of work by navigating through each year at Cal Poly Pomona!
Campus Conversation FuturePaths:
Career and Professional Readiness Model for Cal Poly Pomona Students
Pre Enrollment
CliftonStrengths Assessment
- Develop self-awareness
- Discover what you do best
- Develop your talents into strengths
- Leverage your strengths
- Maximize your potentials

1st Year of College
Success in the classroom
- First Year Experience (FYE) Courses
- Introduction to Major Courses
- Transfer Pathway
- Signature Polytechnic Experience (PolyX)
Success outside the classroom
- Digital Credentials / Badging
- Engaging Industry & Community Partners
Success in your future career / Career Prospecting
- Career Coach
- Engagement
- Fairs
- Internships
*Note: Items in bold are updates made to current model.
2nd Year of College
Success in the classroom
- 2nd Year Courses
- Transfer Pathway
- Signature Polytechnic Experience (PolyX)
Success outside the classroom
- Digital Credentials / Badging
- Engaging Industry & Community Partners
Success in your future career / Career Exploration
- Career Coach
- Engagement
- Fairs
- Internships
*Note: Items in bold are updates made to current model.

3rd Year of College
Success in the classroom
- 3rd Year Courses
- Signature Polytechnic Experience (PolyX)
Success outside the classroom
- Digital Credentials / Badging
- Engaging Industry & Community Partners
Success in your future career / Career Engagement
- Career Coach
- Engagement
- Fairs
- Internships
*Note: Items in bold are updates made to current model.
4th + Year of College
Success in the classroom
- Senior Project Courses
- Capstone Courses
- Signature Polytechnic Experience (PolyX)
Success outside the classroom
- Digital Credentials / Badging
- Engaging Industry & Community Partners
Success in your future career / Career Achievement
- Career Coach
- Engagement
- Fairs
- Internships
*Note: Items in bold are updates made to current model.

Post Graduation
Success in the classroom
- Stackable Credentials
- Certificate Programs
Success outside the classroom
- Digital Credentials / Badging
- Engaging Industry & Community Partners
Success in your future career / Career Advancement
- Career Coach
- Engagement
- Fairs
Faculty & Staff Professional Development
Program Assessment and Evaluation
- Provide faculty professional development anchored on diversity, equity, and inclusion
- FYE Faculty Learning Community
- Faculty and Staff Institutes
- Summer Conferences
Sign up for USC Equity-Minded Teaching Institute