The Master of Science in Systems Engineering program consists of 10 courses, including 7 required core courses, 2 electives, and 1 culminating experience (i.e., master project or thesis) to showcase your learning outcomes.
You can complete the program at a pace that works best for you, tailored to fit your personal and professional commitments. Most students typically complete the program within two years.
Required Courses (21 Units)
Comprehensive survey, classification, and evaluation of the spectrum of systems approaches and their literatures. History of development and need for unification of systems domains and formulation of a ‘science’ of systems for use in systems engineering. Comprehensive introduction to key systems processes and their interactions. Semester project on a case study application of systems science to specific systems engineering task areas such as management, architectures, modeling and testing.
Engineering economic decision criteria and models for evaluating capital investment proposals and engineering project. Replacement studies, risk and uncertainty, tax effects, intangibles, probabilistic models, computer techniques.
The system engineering process form both technical and management aspects. It investigates the interrelationship between the system engineering and project management as they work together at the project team level. Provides a top-down view for engineers to follow and be able to streamline the system engineering process and reduce costs.
Industrial ecology (IE) focuses on impacts to the natural world from the massive expansion in the rate and scale of human transformation of the earth following the industrial revolution. Concepts and tools trace the impacts of industrial and service operations on natural ecosystems, humans and natural resources. Industrial ecology views these impacts as resulting from the interaction of underlying complex technological, social, economic and legal systems. IE is a heavily interdisciplinary field involving science and technology (engineering), public policy, economics and business operations.
Introduction to the application of mathematical programming and optimization techniques for solving problems encountered in industry and business using several case studies. Analyze results obtained by sensitivity analysis. Practice problem formulation, software applications, analysis and report writing skills through a team project.
Different types of simulation and their role in analysis of system problems. Defining study objectives for a problem encountered in industry and business. Deciding on a suitable simulation tool, creating model, verification and validation of the model, and improving the system. Software applications. Analysis and report writing skills. The nature of information flow from other sources to each technique, and from each technique to their application.
Applying architectural modeling concepts to manage large, complex system development projects that require multiple engineering disciplines. Knowledge of inherent relationships between system requirements, operational need, functional capabilities, and physical system design trades. Model Based System Engineering tools including CORE architecture tool and LMS AMESim sub-system simulation and modeling tool in team projects that produce a system architectural model and sub-system models that can be used for system design and optimization re-used and enhanced in cross-discipline engineering courses.
Elective Courses (6 units)
Design and management of the life cycle for realization of successful systems. Establishing the needs and objectives early in the life cycle to requirements analysis, design and development, validation, production, operation/maintenance and disposal. Systems thinking and philosophy are also emphasized throughout this course. Management principles and tools to manage the life cycle design process. Scheduling optimization, resource allocation, risk and opportunity management, and performance tracking. Course projects and case studies.
Broad coverage of facilities system management topics, including issues such as quality function deployment, concurrent engineering, group technology, ERP, bar coding, RFID etc. Problem applications in industry and business will be discussed. Team projects and case studies will be used for analyzing and designing real-world manufacturing and/or service facilities.
Introduction to the fundamentals of US health care systems and its key components, the organization and interaction of components, financing, and delivery of services in the US health care system. The process of public policy development and its impact on the prospects for health system improvement. Systems engineering tools and techniques are used to analyze and evaluate the US healthcare system. Through team projects and case studies, students will learn how to use the processes and means learnt in this course on relevant real world problems.
Methods and research techniques in engineering design of optimum man-machine systems. Designing systems with the objective of developing optimum combinations of physical and human components. Effects of environment on human performance.
Operations analysis of integrated production systems; mathematical and computer models for planning, scheduling, and control of production and service systems. Statistical techniques for forecasting, optimization of resources, utilization.
Culminating Experience (3 units)
Individual or team work based on the project proposal, plan and schedule approved by the project advisor. Regular meetings and discussions with the advisor.
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