Air Conditioning Shutoff Scheduled at Art Department and Engineering Annex Starting on Friday, Aug. 12
Summary of Disruption: The air-conditioning system in the Art Department and Engineering Annex (Building 13) will be shut down starting at 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 12. Air conditioning service is expected to resume by 8 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 15.
Reason for disruption: Allow contractor crews to make permanent repairs and stop leaks in the chilled water lines that are connected to the air-conditioning system.
How does this affect me? Air-conditioning will not be available in the building except for the Liquid Rocket Lab, which contains a dedicated air-conditioning unit.
What do I need to do? Avoid being in the building during the shutoff. Please share this information with others in the building who may have not received this message.
For any questions or more information, please contact: Facilities Customer Service at Ext. 3030.