Live Podcast of "They Call Us Bruce" with Helen Zia

WHEN: September 26, 2019 
TIME: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
WHERE: Bronco Student Center, URSA Major A 

Weglyn Endowment, in partnership with the California Endowment, is proud to present a live podcast taping of "They Call Us Bruce" with the extraordinary guest Helen Zia. Our hosts will speak with Helen about her most recent book, "The Last Boat Out of Shanghai" and how the history of those fleeing communist China mirror what is happening today with displaced communities of Latin America, Syria and other countries. The mental and physical toll on families, children and communities, both locally and globally, are key aspects of Zia's book. The triggering experiences, the isolation, and the alienation of being displaced are stories from the past but experiences that are present today. 

For more information please contact: 
Dr. Mary Yu Danico:
Yvonne Rivera: 
Lunch for the first 80 attendees. Please RSVP on Eventbrite: 
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