Support Undergraduates’ Research & Creative Work!
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Showcase (URCAS)
Time: 2:00pm to 5:00pm
Location: Building 5, 1st floor
All are invited to EML’s third annual Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Showcase (URCAS), supported by the Office of Interdisciplinary Ethnic Studies!
EML Undergraduates
Submit your abstract by 11:59pm on Sunday, March 30, to present your talk, poster, or creative work at URCAS!
Why Present at URCAS?
- Boost your professional confidence
- Enhance public speaking skills
- Strengthen your resume
- Sharpen your ability to give/receive feedback
- Showcase and celebrate creative work
- Share and disseminate your research findings
2:00pm – Keynote address
Dr. Loretta Ramirez talk about decolonial approaches to Chicanx identity, memory, and belonging.
Dr. Ramirez is an Assistant Professor of Latinx Rhetoric & Composition in the Chicano & Latino Studies Department at CSU Long Beach and the author of The Wound and the Stitch: A Genealogy of the Female Body from Medieval Iberia to SoCal Chicanx Art. Dr. Ramirez’s research includes historical rhetorics, cultural rhetorics, multimodal rhetoric, art history, literature, writing, decolonial theory, archival methodologies, & critical composition pedagogy.
3:00pm – Undergraduate presentations
Students’ creative work, material objects, pedagogical materials, and research papers!
Questions? Contact Dr. Valerie Sky.