2LGBTQIA+ Series

April 1, 2024

SJAC (Social Justice Action Committee) hosted their Spring Event Series titled, Identity, Sexual Identity, and Gender Expression Awareness, Cultivating Spaces of Safety, and Wisdom for Future Educators. This series of workshops is to provide spaces of safety and wisdom to discuss impacting 2SLGBTQIA+ students and (future) educators. This series was sponsored by: College of Education and Integrative Studies (CEIS), Office of Interdisiplinary Ethnic Studies (OIES), College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences (CLASS), Liberal Studies Program, Interdisiplinary General Education (IGE) Program, Centers for T.R.E.E., and CEIS Council.

There were three discussions in this series:

  1. Discussion 1: "Gender Identity, Sexual Identity, and Gender Expression Awareness" workshop led by T.R.E.E. 
  2. "Cultivating Spaces of Safety for 2sLGBTQIA+ Spaces of Safety for 2SLGBTQIA+ Studies and Educators"
    • Guest speakers include:
      • Dr. Pau Abustan, Assistant Professor in Department of Women Gender and Sexuality Studies at Cal State LA.
      • Sol Qari, Self-determination Coordinator at Young Women's Freedom Center.
      • Brenda Walker, Presdient Associated Chino Teachers (ACT).
  3. "2SLGBTQIA+ Wisdom for Future Educators"
    • Guest speakers include:
      • Dr. Ernest H. Harrison, Assistant Professor in the department of Music at Cal Poly Pomona, Music Director and Head of Education and Outreach of the Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles.
      • Serena Manjur, Educational Specialist, International Polytechnic High School Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), and CEIS Council President.
      • Tonya Moore, Coordinator III, PE and Comprehensive Health, Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE), Leader of PRISM (Providing Relevant, Inclusive Support that Matters).
      • Joshua A. Salazar, Student Identity Development and Education Coordinator, CPP Pride Center.
      • Whitney Schiller, Neuroscience Teacher Internantional Polytechnic High School Los County Office of Education (LACOE).