Dining with Broncos Alumni Host Information

Thank you for volunteering to host students for our Dining with Broncos program. Here is more info on the program:

Dinner Location

Dinners can be hosted at a restaurant or in your home. Alumni pay for or prepare meals for students voluntarily. Students will be asked if they have dietary restrictions during signup and the information will be shared with you prior to the dinner.


Annual dinners give Broncos of many generations a chance to unite for a fun dinner. Some hosts choose to have themed dinners such as Hawaiian wear, BBQ, industry/topics focused or more! Please let us know if you plan to have a themed dinner and we will pass it along to students. Students will be instructed to attend the dinner in business casual attire if a theme was not selected.


Dinner can be as casual as pizza and salad or as elaborate as a five-course catered meal. As long as you cover the cost for the local student dinners, our students will be excited to enjoy a free meal away from campus.


Not sure how to start the evening?

  • Play an Icebreaker Game
  • Ask students to bring along questions in advance
  • Have everyone go around the table and introduce themselves

Post Event

Ask everyone if they would be comfortable sharing their information post-event. Then send an e-mail to all of those who said yes to keep the connections going past the dinner.

Wrapping Up Your Event

Thank everyone for coming to your gathering and let them know they can share contact information if they are comfortable and would like to stay in touch. You can also stay connected through the Bronco Mentoring Network.  

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to the Office of Alumni & External Relations at 909-869-2963.