Cal Poly Pomona Students Compete in Landscape Contest
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Assistant Professor Aaron Fox mugs for the camera while the Cal Poly Pomona team stands in the background.
Several Cal Poly Pomona students took first place in individual events in a national landscaping competition.
Plant science students Stephen Espinosa and Phuc “Kathy” Nguyen won in the landscape lighting and turf and weed identification events, respectively, at the National Collegiate Landscape Competition at Colorado State on March 20-23. Botany student Summer Blanco finished first in the woody ornamental plant identification event.
Twenty-two Cal Poly Pomona students participated in the competition, which is sponsored by the National Association of Landscape Professionals and featured teams from more than 60 universities across the country.
Landscape architecture student Cesar Delgado finished in third place in the interior landscape design event.
Overall, the Cal Poly Pomona team finished in 13th place in the competition. Bryan Loza was the highest scoring student on the team, finishing 18th overall among the 788 students who competed.