Apparel Merchandising and Management
Student and Faculty Stars

Student and Faculty Success

A male model walks at the fashion show

AMM Student's Designs Feature in Fashion Show

Nichole Dwyer

Lecturer Presents on "Fearless Classroom"

Malia Chang

Student Honored by Textile Org

The team with Professor Jon Phillips

AMM Student Participates in Ag Export Challenge

The Common Read Winners

AMM Student Wins Writing Prize

The Poly Post logo

Poly Post: AMM Saving the World a Thread at a Time

Poly Post logo

Poly Post: Consciousness in Consumerism and Fashion Design

Irma Villanueva

From Texas to CPP to Doctorate

Sarah Dumlao

Alum Produces USA Track Unis

Helen Trejo, Claire Whang, J.C. Canedo

AMM Faculty Win Funding to Improve Grad Rates

Helen Trejo

McNair Scholar Spotlight: Helen Trejo

Seoha Min

Professor Wins Award, Gets Published

Chitra Dabas

Dabas Honored on "Wall of COOL"

And Much More ...

And what great fun Commencement is for graduates and their families - see our photos of Commencement from each year and our AMM Graduation parties of 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014!