Academic Affairs

Hiring a Retired Annuitant

This type of request is on a temporary basis and is a former employee who worked for Cal Poly Pomona, other CSU, or another state agency (may be different classification). This person is limited to working 960 hours in a fiscal year. 

NOTE: This person must meet pension reform requirements of a 180 day break and be age 55 or older and not have collected unemployment from CSU/State agency employment.

Below you will find the required documents that make a complete recruitment package for hiring a retired annuitant in your area.  They should be submitted in the order listed below.

1.  Cover Memorandum which includes the following information:

  • Classification
  • Name of College/Department
  • Working Title
  • Indicate temporary, hourly, intermittent basis
  • Position Number
  • Funding Source
  • Length of Appointment
  • Name of Person Replacing 
  • Name of Retired Annuitant to be Appointed
  • Brief paragraph outlining the details/justification of the position

Click here for sample memo

2.  Request to Fill a Position With a Retired Annuitant Form

The Approvals section of the form requires the Department Head’s and HEERA Manager’s signatures.  Once those are obtained this package can be submitted to the Provost’s office. 

Click here for the Request to Fill a Position With a Retired Annuitant Form

3.  The Retiree's Updated University Application and Resume

4.  Position Description

Include the final version of the position description which has been reviewed by Madiha Mahmood, Employment, Compensation & Classification Analyst. The Provost’s office will verify the following:

  • Box #2 indicate the retired annuitant's name
  • An individual’s name is included in both #8 & #9
    • If the individual is the same person, indicate the person’s name in both boxes. 
  • #26 & #27 is signed by the individual listed in #8 & #9
    • If the individual is the same person, please have them sign on both lines.

For questions about the information requested above, please contact Madiha Mahmood, Employment, Compensation & Classification Analyst, at ext. 4528 or mchoudhury@cpp.

5.  Organizational Chart

Include a current organizational chart which must indicate current administrators and staff personnel within the unit/area.  Also, include this position in your organizational chart.


For questions about hiring a Retired Annuitant, please contact Rachna Vermani, Employment/Background Check Coordinatorat ext. 2267 or